Monday, September 20, 2010


Two weeks from today I will arrive in Kona for Ironman.  I've already started doing a little packing - the list-making has begun.  

The taper is gradually starting to kick in this week.  I have done my longest ride, longest run and longest swim.  Most of it felt good, with most of the workouts feeling good, and just a few low point workouts.  I've gone for active release therapy a couple of times to keep an old injury at bay - fortunately I got good results from ART - thanks Dr. Hansen!

We have a condo in Kona with an ocean view - actually we will be looking right at the swim course, which I'm told is set up the week before the race.  So, we'll step outside the door, down the stairs, across the sand to the ocean and start swimming.  So I'll have several days to make friends with and enjoy the swim course before race day.  It should be good!

I have decided to buy a Kona-legal skinsuit for the swim, but unfortunately I won't be able to get it til a few days before the race.  If it doesn't feel perfect, I guess I don't have to wear it for the race.  One less thing to stress over after I make that decision.

So much goes on the week before Ironman; I'm told that a newbie to Kona like me needs to be wary of getting caught up too much in all the excitement and stuff to see and do - and remember that Saturday is going to be a busy day. :-)  I'm wondering how hard it's going to be sleep these nights leading up to the race.  Am I going to be able to contain my nerves and actually relax?  I can't imagine the pressure that professional athletes feel before a race, when their performances are directly proportional to their income and their livelihood. 

People keep telling me to be sure to enjoy the experience, and not get caught up in the pressure and hype of the biggest, highest profile event in triathlon.  I sure intend to do that.

More soon -

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another Fire in Boulder County

A fire broke out in the mountains just west of Boulder yesterday, and is still burning today not yet under control.  Last we heard there were 92 structures lost, but fortunately no fatalities reported so far - and we hope that holds true when people are able to return to survey the damage in the mountain areas.

Thoughts and prayers go out to the folks who live up there, as well as to the firefighters and rescue personnel - and regular people all around the city and county doing what they can to help.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Holiday Weekend

Holiday weekend - yay!  Erica came home from Austin today and it's so great having her home, though she now considers TEXAS her home.  :-)  She has become a Texas girl real quick!

Scotty is probably drowning his sorrows in Denver now after watching our CSU Rams get their butts kicked sadly today, by the team we'd most like to beat, Univ of CO.  Now we have to listen to all the big ego Buffalo fans in Boulder puff up even more, giving us the appropriate hard time.  S'alright.  We'll get them another year.  Scotty will be home tomorrow.

7 Mile ride tomorrow and my plan is to do at least half on it on my computrainer in the wee morning hours so that I can get it done as early as possible and still have some time with the whole family in the afternoon.  My friend Simon hooked me up with the "real course" Kona video, which allows you to see the actual course as if you are on your bike riding it on race day, complete with spectators, banners, signs and a real race-day feel.   So when that alarm goes off at 3:30am, no bailing on the plan.

Did a 2.4 mile open water swim today, almost 20 minutes faster than my Ironman swim PR.  That means that either
A)  I was REALLY slow before
B)  I'm really fast now
C)  I am improving my open water swim skills

The correct answers are A & C.  :-)  And one day, B will be true.

Looking forward to a neighborhood & friends gathering tomorrow night - I hear Margaritas may be served!  I b'lieve I might even have me one - or at least a glass or two of Pinot!
