Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting Creative with Technology

I was all psyched and ready to tackle my long run last Wednesday, and planned to go out at near midday to try to get in some training in the warmest temperatures of the day/week.  After all, it's hot in Lubbock where I'll be racing in June, and not so much in Boulder in May.    A conference call with my boss and colleagues was also on the calendar for the day but I had PLENTY of time to get the 2 & 1/2 hour run in, then re-group and re-fuel for an hour & 1/2 before the call.

A quick check of my email before going out the door brought bad news.  The conference call had been moved UP by a few hours, meaning I wouldn't have time to start and finish the run before kickoff time.  Quick...what would Chrissie do?   Couldn't chance doing the run later as thunderstorms were forecasted for  the afternoon, plus nutritional & digestive issues would be at stake if I ate lunch first, and worse ones if I didn't eat lunch first.

Then it came to me...cell phone...speaker...mute button.  So at 1:45 into the run it was time for the call, so I stopped running, dialed up the number and jumped into conversation just as if I was sitting happily at my desk.  Kept on walking for a few minutes before the meat of the content was presented - at that point, I put the phone on speaker, activated the mute button and took off for the rest of the run.  The call continued another 20 minutes or so, and I slowed to interject a few times just to show I was still there. :-)

When I got home I emailed one of my colleagues and had him email me notes from the meeting, so didn't miss a thing.  Technology.  It's a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

  1. Neat idea Pam. You are so committed! I admire you. Cheers. Meg.
